Translation Spanish
In Spanish, nouns can be of the masculine or the feminine gender. The adjectives and articles must agree in gender and number with the accompanying noun. So if one has to translate, for example, a software string containing an isolated word which qualifies a noun, the Spanish translator needs to know if this refers to a masculine or feminine noun and to the singular or plural. For example: “completed” could be translated as completado / completada / completados /completadas, depending on whether the noun refers to a noun such as “campo completado”, “prueba completada” or its respective plural forms.
Another difference with the English language is the form of address, which can be formal (“usted”) or informal (“tú”). This means that verbal forms addressing the reader must agree with the formal or informal form of address. Therefore, the Spanish translator needs to know which form of address the client prefers, since an English command such as “Click here” could be translated as “Haga clic aquí” (formal) or “Haz clic aquí”.